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Stressed Woman

Stress & Lifestyle

Find relief from your stress

Does your life feel overwhelming and stressful?  Are there too many things going on and somedays you can't keep up with it. Do you sometimes wish you could stay in bed all day or take a month vacation? You aren't sure how much longer you can do this job, this family, this relationship, something is going to give, you can feel it coming.


Maybe you are struggling to find the spark of inspiration. Perhaps you have been thinking about starting your own business, taking a new job, going back to school, but something is holding you back from making the change.


Maybe you are tired of pleasing others, doing everything for everyone and never having anything left for yourself. It's time for a change.


For many Americans work requirements are heavy and many of us feel trapped in long hours in order to get ahead and sometimes just to make ends meet. In a recent survey, 4 out of 10 American employees indicted that the work environment and job caused the majority of stress and rated work as "extremely stressful". 


Finding change and balance can be a struggle that feel unattainable, and research is proving that stress takes an enormous toll on overall health.  Did you know over 70 percent of doctors visits are stress related? Symptoms of stress may show up as physical and mental symptoms. Physically stress can weaken the immune system, contribute to cardiovascular illnesses, issues with sexual health, stress in the endocrine system and even somatic symptoms such as headaches, muscle aches, joint pain.  Psychologically, stress can take a toll with exhaustion, anxiety, depression, issues with self confidence, problems with concentration and decision making. Often we struggle to feel better but have never been able to develop healthy coping skills and we may turn to alcohol, smoking, stress eating, binge watching netflix in order to cope.


At Northern Sun Therapy, I can help you find inspiration and reduce stressful triggers at work, school and home. Let's discover purpose and meaning in your job, home life and within yourself. Together we can create more balance in your daily life, leaving time for you to recharge, find creativity and feel inspired.




Schedule a Session

Rebecca Stokes MA LCPC NCC 


EMDRIA Trained EMDR Therapist


65 W Kagy Blvd, STE 65A,

Bozeman, MT 59715

Fax: 406.451.0051

©2023 by Northern Sun Therapy

Office located on the north side of Kagy Blvd in the plaza with Cafe M and the Kagy Corner Store. The office is in the Aspen Building which is directly behind Fluid Motion Fitness.

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